Here at Octopus Ukuleles, we believe that we make the best quality value-for-money student ukuleles currently available. We want to let as many people know as possible that you can start to play on an excellent quality instrument without breaking the bank.
We’d love your help to get our message out there, and so we are delighted to present the Octopus Associate scheme – a partnership where enthusiastic and passionate performers and teachers can help us spread the word, and receive some cracking benefits in return!
We will send you a new instrument free of charge when you sign up to the Octopus Associate scheme, and after your first year with us, we’ll send you another one.
And as we launch new models and colours, we will send you the occasional freebie to say thank you for your continued support.
We will give you 2 unique discount codes.
The first of these is for you to use when purchasing online at and gives you 25% discount on all items in your shopping basket (free UK shipping on orders of over £200).
The second discount code is for you to give to friends and pupils to use at This will give them a discount (normally 10%) off all ukuleles and accessories.
At the end of each quarter we will report on sales made that have used this discount code, and will give you a credit / payment of 15% of all net sales ex. VAT. (Minimum payment £50. If the minimum payment due to you is not reached, it will roll over to the next quarter).
We will add your details to our Associates page where anyone looking for a teacher or performer will be able to link to you and contact you directly.
We will also actively share your social media content to the Octopus online community, using our influence to promote your content and future events.
Regularly we will have exciting news to share about new products, stock availability, upcoming projects, exciting new ranges of more advanced instruments etc. We will make sure you are kept abreast of all developments via email and social media posts.
We would like you to share our posts with your followers and engage with our online community.
As an Octopus Associate, we ask that you promote the Octopus Ukulele brand exclusively.
We would like you to use our instruments (sent to you free of charge) in all your online videos and teaching content.
We want to bulid Octopus Ukulele into the biggest and best ukulele brand available, and we want your help to spread the word!
We will publish your name, email contact details, and website / social media links on our Associate page, and by signing up for the Octopus Associate you confirm that you give us permission to do this. We will never publish your telephone or postal address details.
Apply now